Life, College, and Being a Young Adults.

So yeah, what's up guys? Now i'm back again for this blogging thing since I want to write again. I know it's been a while since the last time I write about something to this blog, and I would make it up to you guys my faithful and trustful reader (I hope there are). Well this time I decided to write in full English as I also want to practice my English writing skills. I hope it can improve my skills by only writing some stupid shit and facts about this shitless live. So maybe in the future post I would mix up between Bahasa and English. Maybe for you guys who really good in English if there are some mistakes just ignore it, I know it would be funny to you but hey it's life! Life is full of mistakes and we live to learn by our own mistakes! So yeah just ignore it and don't bother to give some correction to me if there were any.

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Monday, November 11, 2013 Leave a comment

Your Future is in Your Hand

What up reader!
So sorry it took so many time to write again. Finally I got the chance to write again, well maybe there's no change at all but in fact I'll be writing in english in the future!
I know, I know it's kinda lame or show off, well everything in the future is in English. Maybe we need to learn how to start writing in english uh?

But the truth is...NOT! Itu hanya sekedar intro saja, menulis dengan Bahasa Inggris itu susah juga, meskipun gak terlalu susah tapi tetep ribetnya itu lho yang gak nahan. Pertama-tama kita harus mikir, ini cara nulisnya benar apa gak. Yang kedua soal grammar, ini grammar yang gue tulis bener apa gak ya? Nah kan ribet, nulis 1 paragraf aja bisa 1 jam kali. Well back to the topic!

Klik read more ya buat lebih lanjut!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013 2 Comments

Libur dan Hujan

What's up reader!Ya jadi kali ini gue bakalan membicarakan tentang liburan natal dan tentang hujan. Memang sih kedua hal tersebut gak ada hubungannya sama sekali tapi kali ini gue bakal bikin kedua hal itu jadi nyambung.Liburan tengah semester emang bisa dibilang liburan yang tanggung, karena bisa dibilang liburan gak terlalu panjang dibandingkan dengan liburan naik kelas atau libur musim panas (Juni/July). Walaupun bentar hitungannya sih tetap lama. Jadi liburan kali ini gue putuskan gak kemana-mana, cuman mendep di rumah dengan waktu tidur yang tertukar. Tertukar? Ya, jadi waktu tidur gue yang biasa jam 11/12 malem jadi jam 5/6 pagi. Matahari terbit baru mata gue bisa terbenam. Sementara keluarga gue yang lain pergi ke luar negeri, gue tetep mendep di rumah ditemani dengan sebuah laptop dan handphone yang rusak. Yes, handphone gue yang baru beli 1 tahun yang lalu sekarang bisa dibilang piece of sh*t.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Leave a comment

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